All sales of solar gear are final, so please choose your filter carefully and reach out with any questions.
In 2023, Baader Planetarium introduced the Mark II version of the Baader 2" Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Prism. We are pleased to offer this updated version for outstanding solar viewing and photography.
Baader Planetarium’s 2" Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Prism Mark II affords the finest detail possible in solar viewing. The contrast and sharpness that it provides when observing surface detail will leave you breathless. No solar filter can compare! Additionally, it reveals the sun in a true white-light, uncolored by filters.
We are offering the photographic/visual version of the Baader Herschel Prism that offers you the best of both worlds. The integrated rotation mechanism for polarizing filters is an exciting feature offered with the Mark II. It is the best method for brightness adjustment in visual solar observation and solar photography in white light. The Herschel prism polarizes light, making possible the convenience of using a single polarizing filter. You will also want to add the optional 2" polarizing filter (BPPOL2) to the Herschel Prism to provide a stepless brightness-control for your viewing comfort.
The Mark II version comes complete with a full compliment of 2" neutral density filters (ND-1.8, ND-0.9, ND-0.6, ND-3.0) and a 2" 7.5nm Solar Continuum filter. The Solar Continuum filter helps to further boost contrast, revealing sunspot and surface granularity detail. A foam-lined metal carry case is provided for convenience and protection. The Baader Herschel Prism is compatible with Baader's Astro T-2 System. Please follow this link to view a copy of the User Manual.
A question that is always asked is, "Does it damage my telescope to have it looking at the sun for long periods of time?" No! The lens passes the infrared (heat) part of the spectrum as efficiently as the visible part of the spectrum. Since the lens does not absorb or retain the infrared light, it does not heat up.
CAUTION - Important Limitation of Use: It is important to know that a Herschel Prism can only be used with refracting telescopes. It can not be used on any style reflecting telescope. If you own a Petzval-style refractor, or any design which puts elements to the rear of the scope where excessive heat build-up can occur, it is best to check with the manufacturer regarding their specific scope. [Note that Al Nagler of TeleVue has stated that the rear elements of the TeleVue Petzval scopes are sufficiently forward and that no damage will occur to their scopes.]
Regarding visual use, Baader has tested the prism for safety in refractors up to 8" apertures. They recommend that you add an additional neutral density filter for viewing comfort with the larger scopes.
CAUTION - Secondary optics, such as field flatteners, telecompressors, Barlows, and filters need to be placed after the Herschel Prism, not in front of it.
- Baader Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Wedge Prism with 2" Baader ClickLock Clamp
- 2" Neutral density filters (ND-1.8, ND-0.9, ND-0.6, ND-3.0)
- 2" 7.5nm Solar Continuum filter
- Carrying Case

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