Use this adapter with the 2.7" or 4" Prime Focus Field Flatteners to obtain the best possible results with your SLR (35 mm or digital) camera - pinpoint from edge to edge. It was designed to be used with 2.7" field flatteners shipped after May 1994 and 4" field flatteners from any year (except 160FF). If you have a field flattener that is an earlier model, please call. You will need new aluminum parts to use this adapter.
The interior is painted flat black and is threaded for 48 mm filters.
Purchase the adapter with or without the T-ring. Please specify the T-ring that you wish to use. Owners of Canon EOS auto-focus 35 mm and digital SLR's will want to consider the larger, 1.875" clear aperture adapter (67RLEOS)
See how this part fits into your photographic system in the exploded diagram (PDF file).
This part can also be used with the 2.7" to 6x7 Outer Bayonet Adapter (ADA2767), although the required T-ring for camera attachment will not maintain the ADA2767's wide open light path.
This adapter has a net spacing distance of 1.67" (42.3 mm) with the T-ring.
It has a net spacing distance of 1.24" (31.5 mm) without the T-ring.
Additional information for some T-Rings
67RTCAN - NOT for Digital SLRs or EOS series.
67RTOLY - Newer auto-focus and digital SLR's from Olympus will require an additional OM to 4/3-E adapter, available from Olympus.
67RTMAK - Not all Maxxum series camera will accept T-rings (i.e. the Maxxum 2xi, 3xi, and Spxi). REFER TO YOUR CAMERA OWNER’S MANUAL. Not for manual-focus cameras.
67RTMIN - NOT for Maxxum auto-focus or digital.
67RTPTS - Pentax Screw Prime Focus Camera Adapter with Pentax screw mount T-ring for manual-focus 35mm SLR cameras using the 42mm Pentax screw mount. Includes manual-focus cameras from Pentax, Fujica, Mamiya, Ricoh, Vivitar, and Yashica.
67RTKON - NOT for auto-focus or digital cameras.

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