From the basic concepts of how to observe space to the current theories on everything from black holes to red giants.
Interest in astronomy continues to grow stronger for readers of all ages. Recent astronomy titles, like History of Astronomy, have shown consistently strong sales. The Astronomy Bible is a comprehensive guide to the study of what lies beyond our planet. With this book readers can easily navigate the night sky, identify the constellations, and find planets, comets and galaxies.
Topics include:
- The History of Astronomy
- How to Observe the Sky
- The Solar System
- The Moon
- The Planets
- The Sun and the Stars
- Comets and Meteors
- Galaxies, Black Holes and Quasars
- What Lies Beyond...
- Moon and Planet Maps
- Star Finder Charts
- Constellation Maps.
Well priced, informative and fully illustrated, this is a valuable companion for stargazers of all ages.
About the Authors
Heather Couper studied astrophysics at Oxford University. She ran the Greenwich Planetarium and is a past President of both the British Astronomical Association and the Society for Popular Astronomy, as well as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Institute of Physics.
Nigel Henbest was Astronomy Consultant to New Scientist magazine, Editor of the Journal of the British Astronomical Association, and Media Consultant to the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
The team were authors of The History of Astronomy.

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