Our Take
Consider us the 31mm Nagler's biggest fans. It improves the astronomy experience in many wonderful and subtle ways. The obvious advantages are that it gives you the maximum field possible in a 2" barrel - which makes finding deep sky objects a snap - and optimizes the wide-field capabilities of your telescope. However, it's the little things that make this eyepiece a true gem: The ease and laziness of hunting your way down the Milky Way, the perfect eye position, less frequent changing of eyepieces, and the rich contrasty goodness.
With the 31mm, the unique 6-element design using four exotic glasses, maintains the contrast advancement of the Type 4s while achieving a true field area 82% larger than the 22mm Type 4! Owners of fast Dobsonian/Newtonians can enjoy a larger true field, free of secondary shadowing, than ever before. For example, a 12.5", f/4.5 scope with a Paracorr will deliver a 1.5 degree field (3 Moon diameters), at 53x with a 6mm exit pupil.
Model # | EN5-31.0 |
Focal Length (mm) | 31 |
Barrel Size (in.) | 2 |
Apparent Field of View (deg.) | 82 |
Eye Relief (mm) | 19 |
Weight (lb / oz) | 2.20 / 35.2 |
Field Stop (mm) | 42 |

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