Our Take
A reflex sight really makes star hopping easier. You'll be impressed with how simple and straightforward finding your way around in the sky can be with the QuikFinder. This particular sight has been specially modified to use standard AA batteries, rather than button cells - a major convenience in the field!
Compact Reflex Sight
Perfect for binoculars & small and large telescopes
Makes starhopping easy
- One Tenth the size and weight of the competition's "reflex" sight, makes aiming your telescope easy with its wide-open right-side-up view.
- Projects 1/2 and 2 Degree Red circles Onto the Night Sky in focus with the stars -- what you see in the red circles is what you get in your telescope.
- or Continuous Illumination of Reticle -- at your behest. A standard feature on QuikFinder, a $20 option on the "competition's" reflex sight.
- Compact Design Lets You Use Both Eyes to see fainter than with the Competition's "reflex" sight.
- Two Baseplates Lets You Use It on Two Telescopes. Easy clip-on / clip-off mounting to baseplate (no screws to fumble with).
- Other Features -- rugged construction, an ultra-efficient LED and lithium battery (included) for long life. Quick Finder attaches without drilling and is easily removed from its baseplate for storage. Baseplate is 2.5 inches long, 2 inches wide and 1/2 inch high. Quickfinder is 4.5 inches tall, 1.4 inches square.

Buy risk-free: When it’s time to trade up you’ll get the most value for your used gear.