Optec engineers designed the Sagitta OAG to provide a solution for remote imagers who require the ability to adjust guide camera focus independently of the imaging camera focus.
Remote Focus for Guide Camera
Featuring a full 3-inch (76.2mm) clear aperture, Sagitta includes a high-quality fully multi-coated pick-off prism with 12.5mm clear aperture to the guide camera. Sagitta features a large brass split-clamp for attachment of any 1-1/4” format guide camera with plenty of range for setting the guide camera parfocal to the imaging camera. Adjusting the prism stalk height can be accomplished with a single tool and provides prism engagement adjustment of 12mm. Overall, guide camera adjustments exceed 42mm while the OAG body thickness is held at only 31.75mm or 1-1/4”.
The standard FocusLynx Controller hub can easliy be converted into a Dual-Focus Controller with the addition of the optional Second Stepper Driver board.
- Optec FocusLynx controller,
- Starlight Instruments FocusBoss II controller.
Featuring an easy-to-install board with a double row connector, the Second Stepper Driver pushes directly into the main FocusLynx control board. Full details for the #19533 Secondary Stepper Board are available here. Review the video to see how easy converting your FocusLynx into a Dual Focus controller can be.

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