Framing/Rotation at your PC - robust and rigid with powerful STEPPER motor for position accuracy and repeatability!
The usb-nFRAME light-weighted, low profile camera field rotator built around the most excellent StellarVue SER-M63 2" Rotator for focusers.
The usb-nFRAME adds a professional grade rubber gear (used widely in the professional photography market) pressed over the knurled ring, rotated by our high power stepper under control of our usb-nFRAME controller to assure angular accuracy and repeatability to fractions of a degree. The usb-nFRAME software is fully ASCOM compliant for rotation control from higher level autofocus software as well as manually from your PC.
The usb-nFRAME adds a mere 25mm to the length to your imaging stack.
Natively M63 (male) threads on the telescope side, we can provide an adapter for M54 and M48 or other threads upon request.
On the camera side the usb-nFRAME accepts the common M54 thread of many quality field flatteners camera T adapters, T-thread spacers, off-axis guiders, filter wheels, imagers
Fully ASCOM compliant with popular astro-imaging programs
- Robust ASCOM drivers for Windows
- Angle positioning by PC from -10 to +370 degrees
- Go To Angle plus 5 user defined stored positions
- Rigid design avoids flexure as powerful DC motor with hall encoder ensures angular accuracy and repeatability
- All necessary usb, Stepper, and power cables included in the package.
Very easy to operate via ASCOM drivers or standalone software automatically adjust with precision your camera field. Interfacing with the computer is also extremely simple. Just plug in the USB, 12VDC and Stepper cable, let Windows install the drivers, open up the usb-nFRAME ASCOM app to connect and start using your rotator. Anti-cable wrapping at the firmware level for positive assurance.

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