- Large, high resolution Kodak CCD chip, with 10,838,016 x 9uM square pixels in a 36.3 x 24.2mm array.
- Low dark signal - Dark frames not necessary for most of the brighter deep sky objects.
- Anti-blooming with minimal effect on linearity and no lost active area.
- Built-in super high speed USB 2.0 interface for approx. 7 second downloads.
- High sensitivity, approx. 51% QE at peak (green light), 31% at H alpha.
- Back focal distance 17mm +/-1mm.
- Built-in three port USB hub, compatible with many USB accessories (Lodestar, SX filter wheel etc)
- Single USB cable control for all features - get rid of that dangerous cable tangle!
- Only ONE computer needed to control all of the devices and functions
- Very low power consumption. Less than 1.5 amps at 12v DC - 18VA at 110v or 240v AC
- Compact and lightweight - only 118mm in diameter x 102mm long - less than 850 grams load on the telescope.
- 72 x 1mm input thread, compatible with Takahashi FSQ106 etc.
The TRIUS range of cameras was introduced in 2014. These were the first cameras on the market to
incorporate a powered USB 2.0 hub in the rear of the camera to enable the user to connect their USB
filter wheel and guide camera directly to the camera rather than multiple cables back to the computer -
simplicity and convenience.
The new TRIUS PRO series follows on from that success. We have redesigned the electronics to give
even lower read-noise figures and faster downloads. With the Sony CCD cameras, we are now getting
read-noise figures that are better than CMOS cameras (when used at unity gain), along with 16bit data
and significantly better dark-noise figure thanks to the impressive cooling. Dark frames really are a thing
of the past, making calibration frames optional rather than compulsory, giving you more time to capture
data and process your images.
The Trius SX35 and SX36 cameras are the largest in the SX line of Truesense CCD based imagers. We have used an improved two stage Peltier cooler for efficient CCD cooling, and a high-speed USB2 interface circuit for a short download time. The fast download minimises the visibility of bias frame artefacts, such as hot columns and the top to bottom gradient that is commonly seen on such chips. The camera shown on this page is the SX36, as both versions have a closely similar appearance.
- CCD type: Truesense KAI11002M interline CCD with low dark current and vertical anti-blooming.
- CCD Full resolution Pixel data: Pixel size: 9uM x 9uM, Image format: 4032 x 2688 pixels
- CCD Image area: 36.3mm (Horizontal) x 24.2mm (Vertical).
- CCD quality: Grade 2 as standard.
- Spectral Response: QE max at 540nM (~51%), 30% at 400nM and 660nM.
- Readout Noise: Less than 15 electrons RMS - typically only 10 electrons.
- Full-well capacity: Greater than 50,000 e- (unbinned)
- Anti-blooming: Overload margin greater than 1000x.
- Dark current: Dark frame saturation time greater than 10 hours. Less than 0.08 electrons/second @ -20C CCD temperature.
- Data format: 16 bits.
- System gain: 0.9 electrons per ADU
- Computer Interface: Built-in USB 2.0 compatible interface.
- Image download time: Typically 7 seconds at full resolution using USB 2.0.
- Power requirements: 115VAC / 240VAC @ 12VA, or 12VDC @ 1.5A max.
- Cooling system: Regulated constant current cooling supply with three stage thermoelectric cooler to give a CCD temperature of approximately -40C below ambient.
- Size: 98 x 100mm black anodised aluminium barrel with 72 x 1mm thread at the CCD window end & input/output plugs at rear. CCD alignment screws are provided for setting the chip parallel to the focal plane.
- Weight: approx. 1100g.

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