The Optec Pyxis LE is a low profile, lightweight, and versatile Camera Field Rotator with standard mechanical interfaces for ease of connectivity. Based on a design by Ted Agos of the Acorn Hollow Observatory, the Pyxis LE is the thinnest camera field rotator available today!
The telescope side of the Pyxis LE is a simple two-inch "push-fit" barrel. The long barrel adapter, just short of 2-1/2 inches, is easily inserted into any 2" focuser such as the Optec TCF-S Temperature Compensating Focuser. Combined with the TCF-S or TCF-Si, the Pyxis LE creates a focuser/rotator combination requiring less than 4-1/2 inches of back-focus.
The camera side of the Pyxis LE is a standard male T-thread. Any T-thread camera, filter wheel, off-axis guider, or industry standard T2 ring can screw directly on to the exit port of the Pyxis LE - no other adapters are required. All of the users existing accessories - T-thread spacers, off-axis guiders, filter wheels, etc. - can be attached directly. With the Pyxis LE, the confusion typically surrounding adapters is eliminated since the Pyxis LE is ready to use out-of-the-box. Simply attach your camera, slip into a 2-inch focuser, and you're ready to go.
The Pyxis LE is ideally suited for small, well-balanced cameras such as the QSI, Fish Camp, Starlight Xpress or SBIG ST-series CCD cameras. Canon and Nikon DLSR cameras will attach directly using an optional T2 bayonet ring. Optional T-thread extender rings can be added in 7.5 and 15mm lengths for additional offset to avoid filter wheel stepper motors such as with the SBIG CFW9.
- Physical Size: 3.14" x 4" x 6.5" (80mm x 102mm x 165mm)
- Clear aperture: 1.515" (38.5mm)
- Weight: approx. 1.1 lb. (.5 kg)
- Telescope Adapter: 2" barrel adapter for any 2" focuser
- Camera Adapter: T-thread
- Back-Focus: .68" (17.3mm)
- Resolution: 0.050 degrees/step
- Power: 12 VDC 1 Amp (12 Watts max)
- Communications Interface: USB 2.0
- Software Interface: Pyxis LE-Control and ASCOM-compliant driver
f/6.3 Telecompressor Optics Integration
The Pyxis LE can also accommodate Schmidt-Cassegrain f/6.3 optics (or any 43mm diameter optical system) without adding additional back-focus. The f/6.3 telecompressors available from Celestron, Meade, Antares and Hirsch fit directly into the 2-inch nosepiece of the Pyxis LE. The optics must first be removed from their original housing and then using a pair of optional retainers the optical elements can be inserted anywhere within the 2" barrel of the rotator. Optec technicians will install customer supplied lenses for a nominal fee. This feature is essential when setting critical telecompressor or field flattener spacing to the imaging sensor. It should also be noted that the optics rotate with the camera so additional flat-fields are usually not required for different position angles. Click the drawing above or here to view the Pyxis LE f/6.3 spacer diagram cut-away.
The mechanical design is exceptionally robust and rigid. The Pyxis LE's rigidity is due to two coaxial thrust bearings that provide support for small to medium sized instrument loads (2.5kg or 5.5 lbs. maximum). The large separation distance between bearing surfaces (2.28") further increases the stability of the Pyxis LE. This permits off-axis guiders, filter wheels, AO units and of course, the CCD camera, to be attached with no flexure. This unique bearing arrangement allows the rotator to be very thin and use only 0.68" of back-focus.
Interface Software and ASCOM Driver
Interfacing with the computer is also extremely simple. Just plug in the USB and 12VDC cables, let Windows install the drivers automatically, open up Pyxis-LE Control, watch it automatically connect, and start using your rotator. Additionally, the Pyxis LE is ASCOM compliant so it can be used in programs like Maxim DL. Intelligent anti-cable wrapping is programmed at the firmware level so you can expect a non-binding experience with both the control program and the ASCOM driver.
Easy to use Windows application allows simple control over your Pyxis LE camera field rotator.
Graphical position indicator allows for quick adjustments and instantaneous position feedback.
The View menu enables users to hide/show certain regions of the application to reduce overall window clutter.

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