Author Joseph Ashley explains video astronomy's many benefits in this comprehensive reference guide for amateurs. Video astronomy offers a wonderful way to see objects in far greater detail than is possible through an eyepiece, and the ability to use the modern, entry-level video camera to image deep space objects is a wonderful development for urban astronomers in particular, as it helps sidestep the issue of light pollution. The author addresses both the positive attributes of these cameras for deep space imaging as well as the limitations, such as amp glow. The equipment needed for imaging as well as how it is configured is identified with hook-up diagrams and photographs. Imaging techniques are discussed together with image processing (stacking and image enhancement). Video astronomy has evolved to offer great results and great ease of use, and both novices and more experienced amateurs can use this book to find the set-up that works best for them. Flexible and portable, they open up a whole new way of seeing space.
An American by birth, Joe Ashley currently lives in Marathon, Greece. His career in the US Navy included the recovery of astronauts Conrad and Cooper and their Gemini V spaceship from the sea; from there he entered into an engineering and research career involving submarine noise, chemical warfare defense, and energy conservation. Along the way, he obtained a doctorate in Public Administration. Now retired, he completed his career as the Program Manager for the US Department of the Navy and Marine Corps Energy Conservation Program. Recently, Joe has participated in online astronomy forums, primarily the StarGazers Lounge and The Astronomy Forum. In late 2009 he became a moderator on The Astronomy Forum, the world’s largest (based upon membership) such forum. He is author of the book "Astrophotography on the Go" (Springer, 2014).

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